The most popular dictionary for the Christian market, Webster's 1828 Dictionary was produced when American society was based on Biblical and patriotic values.
Webster considered "education useless without the
Bible" and while he cautioned against too extensive
use of the Bible in the schools as "tending to
irreverence" he reiterated...
"In my view, the Christian religion is the
most important and one of the first things
in which all children, under a free
government ought to be instructed...
No truth is more evident to my mind than
that the Christian religion must be the basis
of any government intended to secure the
rights and privileges of a free people."
Noah Webster, the Father of American Christian education, wrote the first American dictionary and established a system of rules to govern spelling, grammar, and reading. This master linguist understood the power of words, their definitions, and the need for precise word usage in communication to maintain independence. Webster used the Bible as the foundation for his definitions thus making the 1828 Dictionary a work that contains more Biblical definitions than any other reference work.
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